Would you like to Have the man in your life:
Ask how he can help you today?
Plan a surprise trip?
Think of your favorite snack and bring it to you at work?
Initiate a conversation to resolve a conflict?
Anticipate your needs during a stressful week and go out of his way to make your day easier?
If you just rolled your eyes because you don’t think a man or your man would do this, then this 5 Day process will turn your disbelief around.
Maybe you’ve tried everything to get Your guy to step up and nothing is changing?
A lot of times counseling, being more generous, nagging, or deciding to “be more committed” doesn’t change anything.
That’s why I work with women on the mind, body and spirit levels to help them truly embody the change that will impact
how their man shows up for them and increase the love.
After these 5 days, you’ll experience the man in your life giving you more:
Thoughtful gifts
Planned dates
Help with problems
Physical Affection
Deciding to make a commitment
You will:
Feel relief and peace.
Understand why you’re experiencing unwanted behavior from men.
Experience the pleasure of receiving more.
Have an embodied confidence.
If you find yourself saying things on a regular basis like:
I give a lot, but I feel like he’s not there for me.
I wish my partner would acknowledge me for all that I do.
I need to show a man how valuable I am so he’ll stay.
My relationship feels like a drain on my life.
There are no good men out there.
Then this 5 day challenge will support you to attract higher quality men and receive more from the man in your life.
Carrie shares how participating in a previous challenge impacted her.